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Success in online learning is just like anything else - it's important to have a good plan.

Here are some tips to help you prepare for the start of the course so you can be successful at the end!

Start a Study Group

Do you have friends with similar interests? Why not form a study group and take a course together? Education is more fun and meaningful when you talk about what you are learning with others. When you take an online course with your friends, you can talk in class all you want.

Create a Schedule and Stick to it

Consistency is the key to success in online learning. Create a study schedule you can stick to and keep it the same every week. Include short breaks in your study time to recharge and refresh. Check the Important Dates to be sure you know the start and end dates for your course.”

Have a Dedicated Study Space

It is important to have a space where you can study without distractions. If you do not have that at home, create a study schedule around the hours of your local library or study at the college. Your Lambton College student ID will allow you to login to the computers in the Library Resource Centre or any of the open computer labs on campus.

Have a Clear Goal

Doing well in a course or program demands motivation. The more clear you are on why and what you are studying the more able you will be to get the most out of your studies. Find a quote or image that reminds you of your goal and put it up in your study space or on one of your books.

Read the Course Outline

Every course will have a course outline that sets out the content and expectations of the course. Read it over and refer to it regularly to ensure that you are on track..

Connect with your Instructor

Another important part of staying on track is staying in touch with your instructor. Your course will include an introduction from the instructor. It will include a bit of information about them, the course and the best way to communicate. Make sure you read this information so when you have questions, you know how to get them answered quickly.

Take Advantage of Supports

Don't wait until a small problem becomes a big one. As a Lambton College online student you have access to all of the same services and supports as our full-time, on-campus students. Whether it's accommodation through the Accessibility Centre or research help from the Library Resource Centre, be sure to take advantage of services available to you. Don't be too shy to ask for the help you need as soon as you need it.

Be Active in Class Forums

Most online courses will have a discussion board where students can post questions, share information and collaborate. You get more out of your education when you discuss the things you're learning, so make a point of connecting with your fellow classmates.

Confirm Technical Requirements

Make sure the device you're using to connect to your online course is able to do everything you need it to do before the course begins. Most courses work well whether you're on a computer, tablet or smartphone. However, some courses require specific software that might not work on all devices. Contact us if you're not sure whether your device is appropriate for the course you're planning to take.

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