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4000-4-7 Facility Access Control

Responsible Executive Senior Vice-President, Strategy & Corporate Services
Director, Facilities Management
Issue Date March 11, 2020
Replaces Former policy titled Key Management
Last Review March 11, 2020
Last Revision February 28, 2020

Upon request, the college will provide a copy of this policy in an alternate format.


Lambton College will maintain a unified access program throughout all College sites, ensure the highest security standards in the protection of site facilities and create a safe working environment by restricting entry through the issuance and control of access systems.

This policy applies to all Lambton College facilities, with the exception of the Lambton College Residence where resident room access cards are issued and managed by the Residence.


  1. All keys/cards referred to in this policy are the property of Lambton College and shall not knowingly be altered, duplicated or copied.
  2. Key production is restricted to Facilities Management.
  3. ID cards also termed access cards are used interchangeably in this policy.
  4. Factors such as an individual's needs, the nature of activity, personal safety, and security shall be evaluated when authorizing keys/cards to specific areas.
  5. A key/card will only be issued to individuals who have a legitimate and official requirement and supervisor approval; re-authorization is required for individuals requesting a replacement key/card.
  6. A need for entry alone, when access can be accomplished by other means (such as unlocking doors, request for entry, etc.) shall not convey automatic entitlement to a key/card.
  7. The individual to whom keys/cards are issued is ultimately responsible for their proper use, care and safeguarding (e.g. do not store keys/cards in desk drawers or other unsecured areas.)
  8. Only one key/card will be issued per individual.
  9. No individual or department shall knowingly receive, borrow, loan or transfer individually assigned keys/cards.
  10. Keys/cards must not be used to grant access to non-authorized individuals.
  11. Lost or stolen keys/cards or keys/cards that are no longer required must be returned to Facilities Management or Security immediately.
  12. A non-refundable service fee will be applied to the individual, department or company responsible for the lost, missing, stolen or damaged keys/cards; punching holes in the access card will damage and deactivate the assigned credentials.
  13. Key/card privileges may be revoked if an individual has two or more separate incidents of lost, missing, stolen, damaged or non-returned key/card violations within a one-year period.
  14. Departments and contractors will be held financially accountable in situations where re-keying/re-pinning a series of doors is required.
  15. Public and community use requiring specific building access must be approved by Facilities Management, the Office of the Registrar & Financial Aid Services and the school.
  16. Student admittance to College Facilities will be determined by program requirements and dean approval. Students must have supervision when working in the labs and shops. Safety protocols and laboratory procedures apply.
  17. Students must present student ID cards to security upon request.
  18. Failing to surrender keys/cards upon request by Facilities Management, or by the department of People & Organizational Development if retirement, transfer, termination or separation from or within the college occurs, may result in final paychecks, records, and/or transcripts being withheld.
  19. Where the need arises for access differing from the existing system a thorough security risk assessment is required.
  20. Individuals entering locked buildings or specific areas are responsible for re-securing all doors and returning the room to pre-used condition.
  21. Individuals shall not prop open doors to prevent unauthorized entry.

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For questions or concerns regarding this policy, please contact the Policy Sponsor by phoning our main line 519-542-7751.